First Name
Last Name
Are children a consideration in the garden?
What do you like most about your current garden?
What do you like least about your current garden?
What time of day do you use your garden most?
How do you see yourself using your new garden?
How soon do you want the garden to look mature?
What is your garden maintance preference:
Low maintenance garden (spring and fall cleanups with mostly shrubs and evergreens)
Medium maintenance ( mixed plantings that need occasional care, some dividing, shaping and pruning)
Hobby gardener (don’t mind dividing, staking, pruning, prefer seasonally changing gardens with lots of flowers)
What season, if any in particular, would you like to place emphasis on?
Spring / Summer
Autumn / Winter
All seasons
What colour or colour schemes do you like?
What colour or colour schemes do you dislike?
What plants do you like?
Are there any plants you dislike?
What are your garden 'MUST HAVES' (ie. your wish list) when it comes to structures?
eg. lawn area, pergola, play structure, fence, retaining wall, paths, patio, water elements etc.
What are your garden 'MUST HAVES' (ie. your wish list) when it comes to plants?
eg. trees, shrubs, perennials, vines, annuals, bulbs, etc.
What are your garden 'WOULD LIKES' to have?
Are there any existing features you would like to incorporate into your new design?
Are there any problem areas on your property that need to be addressed?
(poor drainage, privacy issues, overgrown trees, uneven pavement, etc.)
Are there any features in particular that you want to be visible from inside your house/apartment?
Would you like to include lighting in your garden design, and if so, do you have any preferences/dislikes?
Do you have any other notes or comments you would like to add?